Furniture that grows with your child: 2-piece ergonomic children's desk setconsisting of desk and chair - both height-adjustable to adapt to the child's bodysize.Desk with non-reflective surface, 40 ° tiltable table surface with safety stopper,storage drawer for pens, blocks, paints or books and bag hook on the side.Chair with plastic seat and backrest with ventilation slots for good air circulationeven on warm summer days; Both pieces of furniture with anti-slip rubber feet.Smart set for smart kids: the oneConcept Annika children's desk set is not only theideal place for school assignments, hobbies or games, it is also grows along withyour child!They grow so quickly - so it’s important to always have the right furniture to fittheir small size. The two-piece set of the desk and chair can be adjusted accordinglyto the size of your child. Seven positions for the chair and eleven for the height ofthe table are available, which means that the ideal sitting and working height can becreated for children with a body size of 115 to over 170 cm. And this is not the onlyproblem that the oneConcept Annika children's desk set solves in a skilful way. Italso provides the perfect place for everything that is best done at a table:homework, painting & drawing, reading or crafting or assembling and painting thelatest model airplane. For this purpose, the plastic table top can be individuallyaligned at an angle of 0 to 40 °. The surface is specially treated to reduce theaperture effects and reflections of sunlight and to protect the children’s eyes. Adrawer with compartment provides space for storing pens, paints, craft tools, blocksor books. For even more order at the table, the desk features a side pocket hook, onwhich a schoolbag can be hung.
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