Ratil is a quick acting, easy-to-use rodenticide used in baits to control field rats, mice and other harmful rodents. Zinc phosphide converts to phosphine gas in the presence of moisture and acid in the stomach. The toxicity of zinc phosphide is due to phosphine gas exposure Direction Of Use: Product is mixed thoroughly(0.75%-2%) with 100 grams bait material(pieces of bread, coconut or other dry food). Put the poisoned bait in places where rats have eaten the poison-free baits. Be sure to put the poisoned baits at night in places where it cannot be reached by domestic animals. The poison baiting will be for one day only. Remove and bury all leftovers. If rat nuisance occurs, carry out a similar baiting procedure after 2 weeks. IMPORTANT WARNING: Zinc phosphide is highly toxic in acute exposure to humans. Not safe for non-target animals. It may be consumed accidentally or intentionally as means of suicidal or homicidal acts. Other routes of entry into the body could be via inhalation or through the skin. Zinc phosphide is hydrolysed by the gastric acid and is transformed into phosphine gas.
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