The versatile SoftBell System home gym sets can make up a variety of dumbbell pairs from 3 to 20lbs and kettle bells up to 30 lbs. 12 weight plates included with each light or heavy set. Buy both giving you 2 kettlebell handles for a complete dumb bells and kettlebells set range including 24 weight plates making terrific weights for women at home. Each set includes one easy-grip reinforced plastic adjustable strength training kettlebells handle and a long bolt for attaching up to three soft weight plates, and two weights dumbbells set handles with 4 short bolts for attaching one soft weight plate per side. All SoftBell free weights can be used as individual hand weights and are interchangeable allowing you the flexibility to mix and match SoftBell weight plates to vary your full body workout. Real free weight strength exercises - no bands, straps, suspension anchors, connector, machines, or iron needed. Invented and backed by Hyperwear USA with a 30 day guarantee and one year limited warranty.
5 days ago
4 days ago