Is there proof of the existence of extraterrestrials interacting with people on Earth? What if this separate reality compelled you to explore bridges between inner and outer worlds of science and spirituality, no matter how much you tried to deny, ignore or reject the experience? What if this separate reality also brought you into contact with beings or entities from other dimensions and worlds, sharing a consistent message and method for the sustainability of the human race? Zendor the Barbarian - Part Trois begins just after Zendor is unexpectedly exposed publicly as the Son of Ashtar and Athena, galactic cohorts leading the Ashtar Command, a division of the Galactic Federation who's mission is to monitor and promote the advancement of consciousness and mission performance of the 'incarnates' who have volunteered to serve the transformation of Earth. His introduction sends tenuous ripples through an already sensitive, skeptical and suspicious population. Months later he finds himself engaged in a kind of facilitated meeting with hundreds of life forms of magnificent variety, all meeting on board a starship to discuss the process and protocols of 'First Contact.' Later that year he finds himself in Chile and discovers yet another aspect of himself that has been operating to assist opening inner earth portals. The continuing journey is sublimely presented and offered for consideration to the reader, with self-analysis and critical reflection included. Later in the decade his 'handlers' show up to upgrade his communication capacity, installing a cosmic RJ45 in the back of his head that a psychic 'sees' months later and asks him about it during an International UFO Congress event. Introducing Zendor - 'Door to What Is.' Zendor explores the depths of what keeps him and others afraid, angry, ignorant and immobile in the face of a constantly changing reality and obvious interactions with other worlds. The challenge to change is within us all, inviting us to become something greater than we were yesterday so that we can meet tomorrow with an understanding of harmony among people and planet - a new world order as a planetary civilization. Available on Amazon and Kindle, too!
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