COOLCURA puts a modern twist on an ancient acupuncture technique called Feng Fu ice therapy. By simply holding ice on the back of the neck where the spine meets the skull (the Feng Fu point) your body responds by releasing endorphins; resulting in a euphoric, relaxed feeling. Keeping an ice cube on the Feng Fu point can be difficult, messy, and even stressful. That is where COOLCURA comes in! Designed for performance and comfort, COOLCURA provides a pleasant, easy-to-use solution. Sit back, relax, and let the cooling effect ease your mind, body, and soul. Enjoy all of the benefits of Feng Fu ice therapy with COOLCURA. Wellness Support: Feng Fu ice therapy may appear unusual at first, but it has proven to be effective for those who have tried it. It's a natural alternative! While Feng Fu ice therapy does not address the underlying causes of health issues, it is a natural, and effective method of symptom management! It only takes 20 minutes to Soothe Your Mood! Stay chill with COOLCURA
1 month ago
2 months ago