Recommended by oral experts, AsaVea teeth whitening pen does an effective and painless job of whitening teeth without any sensitivity. It can quickly and effectively remove many years of accumulated stains while also keeping your mouth feeling fresh for an impressive duration with its natural mint flavor. The soft mouthpiece was created using human oral engineering concepts. When you bite the mouthpiece, it will perfectly fit and cover your teeth. This allows for the most optimal and comfortable teeth whitening experience.You can't always blame bad Zoom lighting for your teeth looking a little yellow. Tooth color is a result of both the natural structure of teeth and the presence of stains on teeth. Stains typically come from external sources such as foods, drinks such as tea, coffee, and wine, tobacco use, and tartar, and over time, tooth color becomes darker due to continued exposure to stains as well as enamel wear. Thankfully, at-home teeth whitening products such teeth whitening pens now make it possible to achieve pearly whites on a budget from your living room. The daily treatment incorporates slow-acting bleaching agents that can safely stay on the teeth for long periods of time.
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