Our knives are custom hand made and represent a unique art form. Our original designs and choice of materials gives you a distinctively different type of knife compared to a machine factory finished knife. Because these are hand made knives, and not machined, you will frequently see imperfections, blemishes, and differences in finish materials that are part of a hand made product. Color variations are normal. For example, buffalo horn is mainly black, but frequently has white areas that are part of the natural horn material. Wood grains can vary from knife to knife. Damascus steel patterns can vary. Thousands of buyers continue to purchase DKC Knives. We are based in the United States and stand fully behind our products. We do occasionally make mistakes, and for that we do apologize in advance. If you look closely at our reviews, you will clearly see that we stand behind our knives and quickly take care of any issues that you may have..all you have to do is contact us. Our knives come in factory box and are typically well oiled. When you receive our knife, you need to wipe it down with a clean soft cloth. We enclose recommended knife care instructions. We are a small manufacturer and depend on your continued support and great reviews. Please work with us and we promise to take care of you. Thanks for buying our knives and we look forward to having you as a customer. All our knives have our DKC trademark logo engraved on the knife. The only authorized seller of our knives is San Francisco Supply. You must be 18 years or older to purchase this knife. We do not support or condone the use of knives for any type of violent activities. Thanks Paul from DKC Knives.
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