Southern Homewares de is a authorized re-packager of Perma-Guard food grade Diatomaceous earth. Perma-guard is the top selling brand of food grade Diatomaceous earth. Perma-guard is a Codex food chemical grade natural Diatomaceous earth (D.E.) product composed of microscopic diatoms that were deposited in ancient lake beds. These diatoms are made of amorphous silica in complex lacy shapes, which promotes a high absorption capacity & makes it an ideal product for anti-caking applications In grain & animal feed storage. Our de is non-toxic & safe for the environment. The benefits of d.E. As a natural insecticide for grain storage, garden, & animal use are well-established in practice. Natural D.E. Powders have been used by farmers for centuries. With the increased popularity of organic & sustainable farming methods, more & more livestock & pet owners are re-discovering the natural benefits of d.E. As an animal feed additive. We cannot make Claims about internal therapeutic benefits because of the prohibitive expense of the clinical studies that would be required by the government. However, many livestock & pet owners that have used our de over the long term tell us they have experienced: when insects come in contact with Diatomaceous earth, The D.E. Absorbs their protective Wax coating & their shells are damaged by the glassy diatoms. This combination causes them to die By dehydration. There is no survival & no built-up immunity as there is With chemical insecticides. D.E. Also does not break down as chemicals do, & the more that it is used, the more insects feel unwelcome in the area.
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