What is life? It is the question of the ages. The greatest philosophers have tried to explain it. Scientists try to duplicate life. Astronomers search for life in other places. Life seems to vanish before we realize it. Most people have a very conflicted view of life. Usually, it is about being finally happy in heaven for eternity.We miss out on the very life that is ours to enjoy! So often we fritter away our lives trying to do things that will please an angry God. People get depressed with the way life turns out – and it causes an altered reality. Maybe tears have already clouded the windows of your soul? Your reality is defined by what you think, believe, and do. The purpose of this book to explain how we as believers are called to live and not die! We are created to LIVE in God's sight on this earth NOW. We will learn what the apparent conflicting Scriptures mean. We will talk about life and what that can be… and how to make the best choices to live that best life. It is my hope to move you past where you are right now and to help transform your view of yourself. Being fully alive means you have a conscious awareness of being present in the moment -- and activating it. Awareness is one thing – but acting on that awareness is another. We must learn to take the bridge to BEING. What do you look for? Are you reigning in zoe LIFE right now? Are you filled with the ever present energy and zest for experiencing what will happen good today? Do you know that you are totally magnificent and that you will affect many others?
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