AQUADIP Liquid Catappa AQUADIP Liquid Catappa is the liquid form of well-known catappa leaves. Catappa leaves discolour the water but AQUADIP Liquid Catappa will keep the water clear. It has got numerous active ingredients and it creates the perfect environment for fish and shrimps. It lowers the pH and KH values easy and quick for fish from tropical soft water areas, strengthens and protects the mucous membranes and gills of the fish, improves colour, reduces stress and promotes spawning behaviour and it is effective against fungal infections.Dosage instruction: Shake well before use. Add 8 ml per 100 liter. Do not overdose. Safe for fish, shrimps and crustaceans. Suitable for freshwater only. Availablein 250ml, 500ml and 1000ml
2 months ago
2 months ago