Toad in the Hole Game, Frog Game or Sapo Game. Gaming Items frog, made of cast iron. The game includes: 1 Frog/Sapo/Toad + 1 mill + 2 briges + 10 coins / discs / tokens. The history of this game goes back to ancient times, in distant places like Egypt and played a game similar to the frog/sapo and today has become a very popular game in many regions and countries. It is known as the frog game, sapo game, shooting toad, or simply "frog". It is a traditional game of pitch and precision aiming where you try to enter from a distance of about 3.80 m. a certain number of tokens in the multiple holes existing in the table and in the mouth of the frog (where a greater number of points obtained). Some holes have obstacles you shuffleboard introduction of the hole. Usually, items usually have ten rolls and often is played by teams. It has a regulation that is often applied in competitions or championships and is very simple since it is awarded the player aim and accuracy when throwing the tab or yew from a certain fixed distance.
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